Top 20 of Jura-Savoie and Alsace wines

Vin Jaune (French for “yellow wines”), great terroirs or exceptional sweet wines: our Tour de France of regional rankings at auction continues with a trip to the vineyards from the…

31 August 2017

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Auction Report: November, all top domains on the rise

Of the 3,000 lots offered at the auction closed 16 November, each region offered up some genuine treasures; rare wines originating from ultra-sophisticated domains, or produced by legendary winegrowers who…

6 December 2016

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Invest into wine: a few tips

Evidently, visitors to iDealwine are first and foremost devoted connoisseurs who have come to find some really great wines. Even so – and this is entirely understandable – they'd like…

25 October 2016

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