Alsace, Jura and Savoy are too often shadowed by the main wine regions. Though these areas hold some of the finest wines in the world and winelovers are fighting for those gems. Follow the iDealwine team and discover our selection from these charming mountains.
Let’s find our way to the North and start with Alsace where the wines are both fresh and full of fruits like the Riesling from domain Weinbach. You’ll find this matchless freshness in their delicious and delicate pinot blanc, hard to stay indifferent to its slightly smoked aromas and floral notes. Don’t miss the iconic domain Marcel Deiss, a must-have in the region. Constance, from our marketing team, visited the domain and tasted many of the wines you’ll find in our selection: she specifically recommends the Altenberg de Bergheim or the Burlenberg, a blend of pinot noir and pinot beurot. You’ll appreciate its complexity and aromatic richness. Some gems still remain relatively hidden like the domain Marc Kreydenweiss and Bott-Geyl.
Savoy isn’t only a ski resorts and Raclette wines region but also one of the upcoming French wine regions. If you want to discover (again) the area, choose the seductive wines of domain Louis Magnin. His natural approach from the vines to the maturation makes precise and clear wines like his chigni-bergeron, his arbin or his roussette (the emblematic grape of the region). Known as one of the top producers, his wines are pure and delicate.
Last but not least, the region aficionados, from all over the world, are fighting for: Jura! Hard to pick a favorite… so we’ll choose two: Jacques Puffeney and Ganevat. As Jacques Puffeney retired a few years ago, this is one of the last releases of his typical vins jaunes. No doubt you’ll appreciate the subtlety, the sharpness and its complex bouquet. The legendary Ganevat is one of the biodynamic and nature philosophy flagships. The organic winegrowing and wine-making methods are now quite common in Jura and a lot of domains now have the certification. We previously said that we picked our two favorites, but we couldn’t resist to add two more to the list : the domain Berthet-Bondet is a true blue chip wine of Jura thanks to the fruitiness and purity of their wines, the lesser-known (yet) domain des Marnes Blanches is a “must-taste”. Watch this space.
And you, dear wine-lovers, which wines would you add to our list?
You’ll find our complete selection of Alsace, Jura and Savoy on your beloved website iDealwine. We offer you a map of Alsace vineyards when you buy more than 6 bottles in this sale.